A sample of a new ceramics book that features my work in just arrived in my mailbox. I was invited to be part of the photo gallery of "Ceramics for Beginners: Surfaces, Glazes & Firing" by Angelica Pozo. It is for sale on August 3rd. I have two pieces in the book. I can't tell you how cool it feels to have photos of my work on the same spreads as Silvie Granatelli, Sandi Pierantozzi, Ruchika Madan and friend Kate Biderbost among others.

News item #2: It's Northwoods Art Tour time. If you are in the area this coming weekend please stop by my studio on Fri, July 23, Sat, July 24 or Sun, July 25 from 10am to 5pm. I'll have lots of new pieces in both glaze series I work in. Guest artist Katlyn Koester is also showing her pots and we'll be doing demos and acting silly all weekend (promise!). Plus,... I am giving a piece away as a door prize. For more information visit the tour website at Northwoodsarttour.com
Thanks for being here. Check back soon for photos of my summer shows, new work and news from Pigeon Road.