I'm a blog slacker! I just popped over to my blog and realized I haven't written since the end of August. I always mean to get here but it hasn't worked out much this year. I am much more active on the Pigeon Road Pottery page on Facebook. If you are a Facebook user, please connect to me there. I am on there regularly with lots of photos of my work in progress.
Change is in the air and I have a lot to talk about. I will be paying more attention to this blog after the holidays. I know I've said it before but I do mean it. So have patience with me.

Above is a poster for my upcoming show on December 11th. If you live in northern Wisconsin we'd love to see you. If not, I urge you to support the local artists in your community. At the top of this post there is a collage that includes my work along with pieces by some of my favorite artist friends. The artists are:
Top row (left to right): Roberta Polfus, Emily Murphy-Bicking, Gary Jackson & Kathy Furda. Bottom row: Katlyn Koester, Amy Higgason, Wendy Powalisz & Debra Ketchum Jircik.
Happy Holidays!