We've been blessed with warmer and sunnier weather than usual this fall. So my hopes were high for a nice day for our outdoor show "Art in the Yard" last saturday. When the thunder and lightning woke me at 4:30 a.m. I mentally prepared myself for the worse — setting up in a downpour and being cold and wet for the rest of the day. As I pulled out of my driveway at 6 a.m. the rain had slowed to a light mist. An hour later when I arrived in Land O' Lakes it had stopped.
As I started to set up and all my friends arrived with their gear, I couldn't help feeling optimistic. Rain or shine it would be another fun day with the Art Gypsies!

Our host was Jody Kennedy. Her gift shop Wild Expressions is just west of downtown Land O' Lakes on county highway B. Fall is in full swing in the northwoods.

Me in my trusty tent.

My whole set up.

Potter pal Anne Appel.

Photographer Carol Miller and a friend.

Debra Ketchum Jircik with her clay sculpture.

Weaver Jan Zindell demonstrates on her antique sock machine.

Kathleen Kimbal creates journals, collages, & wonderful hand made soap (the old fashioned way).

Wendy Powalisz (left) is a painter and jewelry maker. Cathy Wirtz (right) makes felted wool purses & hats.

Wendy's jewelry...

and her painting.

An Art Gypsy tip: always provide a seating area for husbands!

The real purpose of the fire is for wish sticks – an Art in the Yard tradition. Here Debbie composes here message for the flames.

One more wish for the fire!